Thursday, September 5, 2013

Breast - Fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma actually quite common in female patients.

These are the ultrasound images of breast fibroadenomas


Echogenic foci is seen in fibroadenoma. Suggestive of microcalcification

Ultrasound appearance of fibroadenomas are:-
  1) Oval shape
  2) Circumscribed
  3) Homogeneous
  4) Hypoechoic
  5) Macrolobulated
  6) Smooth, thin, echogenic capsule
  7) Variable Acoustic enhancement

So What is fibroadenoma. Let's see...
- Fibroadenoma is a solid , benign breast lump.
- It contains of fibrous and glandular tissue.
- Common in adolescent and young adult population.
- Having fibroadenoma does not increase risk of developing breast            cancer.

Signs & Symptoms:-
  1) Solitary
  2) Mobile
  3) Firm
  4) Painless
  5) Size increase during pregnancy or having estrogen therapy
  6) Size atrophy after menopause, or when estrogen stimulation is

Causes :-  Unknown
However, development of fibroadenoma probably is related to reproductive hormones. Because fibroadenoma most common in reproductive years

Others Imaging diagnosis:-
--> Mammogram : Fibroadenoma appears as Circumscribed;  Round/oval shape;  Occasionally have coarse                               calcification

1) Mostly fibroadenoma are left in situ and follow up by ultrasound to see if it have any changes or grow.
2) Some are surgical excision.   The reasons of removal fibroadenomas:-
                                                      - Abnormal Biopsy result
                                                      - Pain or other symptom occur
                                                      - Concern about cancer
3) Biopsy recommed to confirm diagnosis.   Indication for biopsy :-
                                                                      - Size enlarged
                                                                      - Atypical findings on ultrasound
                                                                      - Lesions > 2.5cm, where no previous ultraound for                                                                                       comparison

1) Giant fibroadenoma  --> more than 5cm size
2) Complex fibroadenoma --> Cystic changes; calcifications
3) Juventile fibroadenoma --> found in an adolescent girl

1) Wikipaedia
2) Medline Plus
3) Mayo Clinics
4) Emedicine.medscape
5) Health guide online